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Your Guide To Becoming a Voice-over Artist Starts Here!


Voice-overs are integral to a brand’s reputation and brings the message to life. Several mediums utilise voice-overs to promote business offerings and awareness, meaning the demand for voice-over artists continues to grow.


You can be a part of this growing community and service by learning the tips and tricks I personally use. The two products I offer contain seven years of my voice-over knowledge condensed into one whole hour or one comprehensive course!


With both training products, you’ll see how:

  • Less is more in voice acting.

  • How to trust your vocal intuition.

  • How to improve as a budding voice-over artist and the training required. 

  • How to land your first paid client.

  • How to grow your brand!


I have been asked numerous times for advice about getting into the voice-over industry and I only wanted to help other artists, once I received the right level of training and completed courses on: ‘Breathing and projecting for voice acting’, ‘Networking for voice-overs’, ‘Home studio setups and ‘How to run a small voice-over business.’

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So ‘how does this training help me?’ I hear you say...


Well becoming a trained voice-over artist allows you to:

  • Start a low-cost business

  • Work from anywhere

  • Work with household brands

  • Work a schedule you love

  • And, most of all, earn a full-time income


With this comprehensive online tutorial, you too can reach the above and so much more! Through applying these steps, I am now an award-nominated voice-over artist who’s worked with brands such as Paypal, BBC and Spotify, as well as radio stations throughout the UK. And this can be your story too! 


If you’re looking for thorough and comprehensive training to begin your voice-over career, then look no further! I have two products to offer:


  1. The direct hour: I will introduce you to the world of voice-over. You can then ask all the questions you wish to help your voice-over career.

  2. Up The VO ladder: Climb your way to success with this 3 part course, where I delve deeper into the subjects I mention above and list in the course overview. You will receive a bespoke tailored experience depending on your current needs.


Proud member of Equity


Proud member of Spotlight

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